Can you remember the time when you first believed in the Lord? I can. I was in my early thirties and all that I knew was that Jesus was “real”. That’s all that I was sure of. A short time later I remember that a lady was talking about “believers” and I didn’t know what she was talking about. I also remember the first time I prayed out loud, I prayed something I had read in a book because I was not sure how to do it. Do you feel that you really don’t know what people are talking about when it comes to faith, God and the Bible?
Beginning Sunday January 27 the I have the privilege to lead a class that we are calling “Discovery.” Perhaps you have not come to know the Lord Jesus yet or perhaps you don’t know very much about him. Maybe you are interested in “brushing up” on some of the fundamentals of the faith. We have an opportunity for you to “discover”who God is and how to have a close relationship with Him. Would you please consider joining us? For the rest who have known and walked with the Lord a while, I hope that you will encourage someone you know to attend this class. In fact if you would like, give me their name and I would be delighted to call them and invite them myself. The class will be offered Sunday mornings at 11:00 during the Community Group hour right after the church service. The class with start Sunday January 27 thas mentioned above and concluded in May. My name is Doug. Feel free to contact me any time, 713-248-2856 or [email protected]. Please consider whether you or someone you know would profit from the Discovery class. |
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